John, I'm reaching out to you personally with a very important request that can't wait.

We're hours away from our first End of Month fundraising deadline for the 2020 election. And it's not looking good.

Democrats have outraised Republicans across the country by over 100 MILLION DOLLARS!!! The ultra-liberal elite in D.C. and New York are trying to overrun us and buy my seat along with Arizona.

If I can't raise $10,000 before Midnight Tonight, I won't be able to keep pace with the money pouring in from leftist Super PACs and liberal megadonors from across the country.

John, that's why we need you. If we're going to take back the House Republican Majority from Nancy Pelosi and her impeachment obsessed Democratic cronies, I need your help to make sure we hit this crucial end of month fundraising deadline.


It's up to every single one of us to stop the Democrats from taking Arizona in this election. Please don't let this month end without making a small contribution to restore the Republican majority in the House.

Restore the House Republican Majority

We need you to step up right now to keep Arizona red!


Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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