"How, in just two years, have confused and often incoherent President Joe Biden and his team created such global chaos?"

That's the question historian Victor Davis Hanson poses in his latest must-read Townhall column. According to Hanson, America has "lost all deterrence" thanks to ten Biden foreign policy blunders. Contributing to global chaos seems to be a feature, not a bug, in this administration.

If Joe Biden wanted to destroy America and cede our position on the world stage, what would he do differently?

The answer: nothing

Our mission at Townhall is to expose Joe Biden and his administration's incompetence and shine a light on their disastrous policies and decisions destroying our great country.

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We are nearly two and a half years into Biden's disastrous presidency, and as Hanson explains, "This list of these self-inflicted disasters could be easily expanded."

Now more than ever, conservatives need to stand up and demand that Biden and his administration be held accountable for their catastrophic failures. In 2024, we cannot afford to have another Democrat win the White House – it would mean the end of the country as we know it.

Our facts-first, conservative reporting and opinion always attempt to make sense of the chaotic and confusing times we live in, and your support continues to allow us to bring you the truth and publish insightful columns like Hanson's "The Biden 10-Step Plan for Global Chaos."

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