News from Representative Mikie Sherrill


A Message from Congresswoman Sherrill

Dear Friends,

I am writing to you to share an update on a few of the key issues I have been focused on in Washington. Alongside a bipartisan group of colleagues, I am working on holding the Chinese Communist Party accountable for committing human rights abuses while protecting American democratic and economic interests across the globe. Additionally, I am fighting to combat efforts to restrict service members’ access to reproductive healthcare, and leading efforts to ensure equal opportunities for women in athletics.

Also, while in Washington, it was wonderful to meet with so many advocates from NJ-11 to discuss our shared priorities, including supporting the United States Postal Service, improving access to legal services, and building a skilled workforce. Keep reading to learn more about how I am working alongside members of the community to fight for New Jersey families.

Check out my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up to date with the latest news and updates from my office.

Take care,

Mikie Sherrill
Member of Congress

Holding the CCP Accountable for Human Rights Abuses

During the second hearing of the Committee on US-CCP Strategic Competition, I highlighted the horrific human rights abuses committed by the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang and the complicity of the Chinese TikTok in the surveillance of the Uyghur people and urged U.S. businesses to invest in global supply chains that are free of Uyghur forced labor.

Watch my full remarks here

To strengthen our national security, we must confront the CCP’s stranglehold on the global rare earth mineral supply, their outrageous human rights abuses in Xinjiang, and the impact that Xi’s unpredictable COVID policies have on the global supply chain. 

Listen to my question here

During a House Armed Services Committee hearing, I asked Secretary Austin about how the Pentagon is working to ensure our supply chains are resilient in a way that meets our defense needs and consistently upholds our democratic values.

Protecting Reproductive Health for Service Members

Watch how I’m fighting for our service members

Senator Tuberville’s efforts to block the confirmation of senior military officials over the Pentagon’s abortion policy is a dangerous stunt that jeopardizes our national security. Last month, I asked Secretary Austin about the long-term impact that the delay will have on military readiness.

As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I will do everything in my power to secure our military readiness and the rights of our service members.

Putting Munitions Research at the Forefront of our National Security

Listen to General Kurilla’s explanation of why we need a gun-type system as part of a layered defense

New Jerseys Picatinny Arsenal is at the cutting edge of munitions research and development. In an Armed Services Committee hearing, I asked how technology being developed at the Arsenal’s Joint Center of Excellence for Guns and Ammunition will bolster our national security across the globe.

Fighting for Title IX Alongside Billie Jean King


It is an honor to introduce legislation that will award Billie Jean King a Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honor Congress can bestow. I am so excited to work alongside one of my heroes to ensure equal opportunities for women on and off the court.

Promoting Women’s Heart Health


Last month, I spoke with Dr. Linda D. Gilliam, MD, Chair, Cardiovascular Medicine, Morristown Medical Center/Atlantic Health System, about the signs and symptoms associated with women’s heart disease. I introduced my HEART Bill as part of my #JerseySTRONG agenda to better understand, prevent, diagnose, and treat heart disease in women. I look forward to continuing to work with experts like Dr. Gillam to share information on this critical issue.

Improving Judicial Security and Expanding Access to Legal Services


It was an honor to be recognized with the American Bar Association’s Special Legislative Advocacy award. I met with ABA National President Deborah Enix-Ross, past presidents of the NJ State Bar Association, Tom Prol and Lynn Newsome, and leadership from New Jersey Legal Services. We spoke about the importance of judicial security and the ABA's top legislative priorities, including funding legal services.


Thank you to the Federal Bar Association for coming by and for your strong advocacy for the Daniel Anderl Judicial Security and Privacy Act. This ensures privacy and security for federal judges and their families. Last Congress, I was proud to work hard to ensure it was signed into law. I am now fighting to get funding appropriated for this important cause.

Expanding Workforce Training in New Jersey


Thanks to the IBEW Local 102 for stopping by in Washington! As part of my #JerseySTRONG Agenda, I introduced legislation that will expand labor representation on local workforce boards. We discussed how this legislation will build a highly-trained workforce while securing a more stable future for union members, and how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act will create thousands of good-paying union jobs right here in NJ.

Supporting the U.S. Postal Service


Throughout NJ-11, I hear from residents about the importance of having a fast and reliable mail service. Last Congress, I was proud to fight for legislation to ensure the financial stability of the USPS and see it signed into law by the President. Thanks to the National Association of Postal Supervisors for coming by to talk about ways we can continue supporting the USPS.

Listening to Advocates from Delta Sigma Theta


Thank you to the advocates from Delta Sigma Theta’s Morristown Alumnae Chapter for stopping by my Washington office to discuss our shared legislative priorities, including promoting maternal health, reforming gun safety laws, and supporting voting rights.
