The Hill: Race-preferential admissions offer only a mirage of opportunity


Individuals should be treated as individuals and not on the basis of their membership in racial groups. Nonetheless, race preferences in college and graduate school admissions are sometimes defended as opening up valuable opportunities to racial and ethnic minority students.

But Alison Somin details an important new study indicating that race-preferential admissions aren’t providing opportunity—only a mirage of opportunity.

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After losing his wife, a Nebraska man lost his home to an unconstitutional state tax scheme


Losing a spouse is one of the most devastating events a person can experience.

Losing the home wherein you made all your memories together immediately after adds an extra layer of grief no one should have to carry.

Kevin Fair has endured both, writes Brittany Hunter. While illness took his wife, the government took his home—and all of its equity, illegally.

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Des Moines Register: Iowa Legislature should restore judicial independence


In 2020, the Iowa Supreme Court rejected a married couple’s challenge to the Department of Revenue over a tax assessment and penalty involving the sale of farmland.

Both sides had persuasive arguments, but rather than decide the case independently, the Supreme Court put a thumb on the scale of justice in favor of the tax collector.

Ethan Blevins and Will Yeatman explain why “judicial deference” is a problem and how to end it in Iowa’s courts.

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