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If you're like me, you would expect our State Superintendent of Public Instruction to spend her days fighting for public education. Unfortunately, that is not the case with our current superintendent, Elsie Arntzen.

Today at a rally in Billings, pro-school privatization advocates read a letter from Elsie supporting discriminatory schemes that would siphon resources away from public schools and hurt children across our state.

Instead of investing in our public schools, Elsie wants to help wealthy CEOs line their pockets with cash and deny our children the quality public education they deserve.
Superintendent Arntzen speaks at a school privatization rally on the Capitol steps on January 24, 2019.

Help me fight back. I am running for Superintendent of Public Instruction to support our public schools and invest in our children's future.

Our constitution guarantees everyone the right to a quality public education, and that right can only be guaranteed if we are investing in our public schools. Our schools are already struggling and have been forced to cut millions of dollars from their budgets - they cannot afford to lose additional resources.

When we invest in our public schools, we are investing in our communities, a stronger economy, and a brighter future for our state. As Superintendent of Public Instruction, I pledge to strengthen our public schools across the state and fight for all Montana children.

Will you join my campaign today?
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