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Friday, April 14th, 2023


Conservative Conversations With ISI – Podcast

Joseph T. Salerno on Murray Rothbard, Demagogic Politics, and the Austrian Economists

Extreme Censorship of Truth by Fascist Government and Private Partnerships: A Death Warrant to Freedom

Gary D. Barnett

Wokeness, Managerialism, and Entrepreneurship

Ryan Turnipseed

Still More Perma-Bull Nonsense

David Stockman

Lyndon Johnson’s Role in the Kennedy Assassination

Jacob G. Hornberger

Daniel Ellsberg’s First Leak Helped Prevent War With China

Ray McGovern

Historical Lies Used to Demonize a Classic Historical Novel

Paul Craig Roberts

Source of Pentagon Docs Worked on Military Base, Turned ‘Frantic’ Once Leak Surfaced

Sputnik News

France Won’t Be US ‘Vassal’ – Macron

RT News

The Bespoke’d New Car

Eric Peters

Peak EV: Electric Vehicles Will Fade as Their True Costs Become Clear

Douglas French

The Wealth of Nations – Mercantilism

Helena Glass

Political Theatre

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