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I just wanted to make sure you saw this email from earlier this week from our Victory Chair, Stacy Hock, about our big win in House District 28. It's a great start to 2020!
We want to keep the momentum going and have a big end of month deadline today, would you please consider donating before our deadline at midnight tonight?
We have many more races ahead and need to be sure we have the resources to compete. Anything you can do will help.
You can click the contribute button below or use this secure donation link: [[link removed]]
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---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stacy Hock
Date: Wed, Jan 29, 2020
Subject: Beto is 0-3
National Democrats raised millions and spent $1.4 million dollars on a Texas house race telling their donors and supporters the race is tied and they would flip the seat.
They were wrong.
Beto raised money, knocked on doors and recruited volunteers from all over the country claiming this race was the first of a Texas blue wave and the bellwether for 2020. FIVE Democrat Presidential Candidates endorsed the democrat.
They lost.
It’s no secret what the National Democrats are up to —they need control of the Texas legislature to redraw the lines and gerrymander Texas Republicans out.
Last night, Texas Republicans drew the line.
Gary and his team pounded the pavement knocking on hundreds of thousands of doors and made tens of thousands of calls. This, paired with the groundwork the Republican Party of Texas has laid for 2020 victories, led to an outstanding result - Gary Gates won by SIXTEEN points!
Texas Victory rallied behind him. Dems spent outrageous amounts of money, but we outworked them. I am so proud of our team, and especially, Gary Gates.
Beto doesn’t seem to get it. He has lost at every level — Ted Cruz, the race for President, and now, Texas House District 28.
Let’s send a message to Beto and his gun-grabbing, socialist buddies — show your support by contributing $50, $100 or whatever you can right away. [[link removed]]
The fight is just beginning but with your help, this is just the first of many Victories.
Stacy Hock
Chair, Texas Victory
Paid for by the Republican Party of Texas and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. [[link removed]]
Republican Party of Texas
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