House to decide on legislation to combat Pres. Biden's lawlessness on immigration
We need YOUR help to make sure strong anti-illegal immigration legislation passes...
... and we've already raised $203,000 in seed money to match whatever you give!!!
It's by far our biggest campaign ever!
Generous, major donors will double whatever you can afford to give!
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Dear John,
Since its inauguration, the Biden administration has managed in 2 short years to destroy the security of our U.S.-Mexico border. Thanks to reckless policies and lack of enforcement of existing law, millions of new illegal aliens have gotten into the U.S. Many just evaded the Border Patrol.
NumbersUSA is committed to doing whatever it takes to fix this crisis! We're launching our biggest campaign ever, and we need your help.
See, John, the situation is so bad that these days, hundreds of thousands WANT to be caught so that they can claim, mostly falsely, that they need asylum. Many of these are then given work permits and a bus ticket to their city of choice in America's interior with a notice to report and instructions to check in with the local ICE office. Few do. Those that do have no fear of being removed. It's a farce.
(NumbersUSA CEO James Massa toured the border two weeks ago and saw for himself what a shambles Administration policies have made down there. A short video of what he saw appears opposite this paragraph.)
Changes to the law can prevent this or any future president from making a mockery of our borders. The current House of Representatives seems ready to move forward with border reforms that could tie this administration's hands and also close the loopholes in the asylum process that have led to so much of the current border mischief.
Fortunately, several major donors have stepped up to create a very large 2-for-1 match fund to help us fight for these reforms! Every donation you make to NumbersUSA ACTION up to $203,000 will be matched! This is by far the biggest match campaign we've ever launched!!!
If you donate $25, we'll get $50!
If you donate $100, we'll get $200!
Even if you donate $500, we'll get $1,000!
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Here's our opportunity. The 117th Congress failed to fix the border crisis. But Speaker Kevin McCarthy is under great pressure from voters and from his own Republican House Members who committed America to secure the border. The House is planning to move a series of bills that promise to fix the problems. Currently, a package of several bills is being prepared for the first step, the so-called "markup" in the Judiciary Committee.
Next, a majority will have to have been lined up to vote for the package when it reaches the floor. THIS WILL NOT BE SIMPLE. The cheap labor lobbyists and our other opponents continue to outspend us by dramatic margins. In fact, the last time I put pencil to paper to calculate the spending on both sides, I found that the opposition was regularly outspending us by 100 to 1.
That's right: we're being outspent by a HUNDRED TO ONE!!! So even getting the border bill(s) through the slim Republican House will be a big, but achievable, challenge. We will have to spend heavily on phone banks, targeted advertising, enhanced media presence, political polling, and much more.
Once we get it through the House, we'll have to start the HEAVY LIFT to get the Senate to take it up. We have some hope there, but to be quite frank, it will be extremely challenging. Some moderate Democrats may be sympathetic, but enough?? We need to push hard and trust that our efforts will be enough. Could Pres. Biden ever be persuaded to sign a bill if it made it to his desk? Maybe not, but vetoing a great border bill will prove very difficult for him. In fact, it could prove politically fatal. WE MUST TRY!!!!!
John, I am asking you to help us raise $400,000!
If you donate $25, we'll get $50!
If you donate $100, we'll get $200!
Even if you donate $500, we'll get $1,000!
It's been nearly a year since I've run our last match campaign. I know that these efforts require sacrifice from everyone. But the truth is, NumbersUSA Action has been running in the red for months now. I'm sure everyone has been "keeping their powder dry" for a time of real need and real opportunity. THIS IS THAT TIME! Please give today!
Note: this match campaign is for NumbersUSA Action.
You can donate three ways:
1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.
2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Keep the faith and don't ever give up!
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Jim Robb
VP Operations and Development
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at
[email protected].
P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small, fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.