Hi, it’s Jane Fonda. I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss this important message from my team.
After the approval of ‘Willow’ – a drilling project in Alaska – the Biden administration is now set to auction off 73.3 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and drilling projects.
The science is clear — every new drilling project like this guarantees more deadly planet-warming pollution will be pumped into the atmosphere.
I started the Jane Fonda Climate PAC to eliminate the fossil fuel industry’s stranglehold on our political system. The unfortunate reality is projects like these are only approved because of their influence.
I need your support to fight like hell against Big Oil.
Your support will not only help us elect climate champions this year, but also helps us send a strong message that ending the era of fossil fuels is what voters expect in 2024 and beyond.
Will you contribute $10 today to help us fight back and end the reign of the fossil fuel industry?
Read more from my team here:
The Biden administration put an enormous 73.3 million acres in the Gulf of Mexico up for auction for oil and gas drilling. This project is estimated to extract 1 billion barrels of oil over the next 50 years, according to the U.S. federal government.
This is the second controversial oil and gas drilling project in the span of the last few weeks President Biden has approved. Willow, a new oil drilling project in Alaska, was approved just two weeks ago and will add dangerous consequences to the ongoing climate crisis.
We need to hold President Biden accountable to his campaign promises to act on the science to avoid the worst effects of the climate crisis. We know that he has the ability to step up and be the kind of leader the American people expect him to be, and we need to send a strong signal that ending the era of fossil fuels is not only good policy, but good politics.
Will you contribute $10 right away to help us hold President Biden and our elected officials accountable?
Every dollar you contribute helps us elect leaders who will put climate first when they’re elected. And the more support we bring to the table for our endorsed candidates, the stronger signal we send that climate is going to be a voting issue in this election, and the next.
That isn’t the only reason to support our work though – we need your support to elect climate champions at every level of government. Local elections play a crucial role in climate decisions and have the power to stop new fossil fuel projects.
Will you contribute $10 to today to help us elect climate champions up and down the ballot in 2023 and beyond?
Let’s protect our planet together,
Jane Fonda Climate PAC