65 million Americans rely on Medicare and Medicaid for their health care coverage – cuts put that at risk.
Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care


Recently, The Washington Post editorial board suggested the federal government cut Medicare funding to achieve “fiscal responsibility.” 

Here’s what their piece was missing: the voices of the 65 million people who currently rely on Medicare, and everything they would lose should the cuts that The Washington Post editorial board proposed go through. 

Since 2020 alone, 3 million seniors have enrolled in Medicare. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Medicare funding was a lifeline to hospitals and health systems strained by surging caseloads and a pressured workforce. And it remains a lifeline in 2023, as rising inflation rates pose historic financial challenges for hospitals and the care teams that power them.

We know our community of more than two million Medicare defenders understands the threat these cuts pose more than anyone else. During the pandemic, you fought hard to expand access to care and ensure Medicare funding remained strong as the nation battled an unprecedented public health emergency. 

Amid this growing threat, we’re asking you to once again stand with us and help protect access to life-saving health care. Together, let’s tell Congress: don’t cut Medicare! 

Will you sign your name? 


Thank you,

Coalition to Protect America's Health Care

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