Hi John,
I’m thrilled to share this news with you: Sister District just released our 2023 and 2024 state targets!
We’re targeting 10 must-win states where we’ll play a powerful, outsized role in winning key state legislative elections and continuing to build progressive power from the ground up — take a look at our map:
The next two years will be consequential, and all eyes will be on the states.
But we can’t do this work alone. We’re counting on Sister District supporters like you to help us go big in each of these 10 states. Will you make a gift of $20.23 or more today, so we can put our plans into action and win elections?
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Our electoral strategy is a cornerstone of our organization’s overall strategy to build enduring power in state legislatures — which involves building power in three types of state legislative chambers: Blue Flips, Blue Holds, and Blue Inroads.
Here’s a broad overview of what lies ahead:
In 2023, we’ll be heading back to Virginia for a fourth time, investing heavily in purple districts and supporting candidates who will help flip the House of Delegates and expand the Democratic Senate majority.
We’ll also return to Mississippi and Louisiana, working to make Democratic inroads voter-by-voter in competitive districts that are strategically important.
We know that Republicans are laser-focused on winning back state power — and we’re laying the groundwork right now to stop them. That’s why we’re mobilizing to protect our gains in 2022 and prioritizing states with nested competitive Senate, House, and Gubernatorial elections in Presidential battleground states.
While the final selection of states will depend on a variety of factors, in 2024, these are the chambers we’re watching:
↔️ Blue Flips:
- Arizona State House and Senate
Pennsylvania State Senate
✋ Blue Holds
- Nevada State Assembly and Senate
- Michigan State House
- Pennsylvania State House
🛣️ Inroads:
Georgia State House and Senate
- Wisconsin State House and Senate
North Carolina State House and Senate
We’ll be announcing our first wave of candidate endorsements in the coming days, which will include challengers and incumbents in close, winnable districts who do not have primary challengers. Primaries are abundant this year, but we have identified a few excellent candidates to help us kick off the year!
If you’re ready to jumpstart our electoral work over the next two years, please make your best gift possible now.
Thank you so much, and more soon!
Lala Wu
Co-founder and Executive Director
Sister District Project
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Paid for by Sister District Project. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Donations to Sister District Project, a 527 organization, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.