Friend –

I don't want to waste your time, so I'll make this short - our first major fundraising deadline of 2020 is tonight at midnight!

I am still short of my fundraising goal due to the distracting and everlasting impeachment sham the Democrats have been dragging us through.

I cannot continue to fight back against this sham without your help. Will you rush in $10, $25, $50 or even more to help me reach my goal before midnight?

Rest assured, the Democrats will not get away with their shenanigans much longer. The 2020 election presents us an opportunity to take back the House and get actual work done in Washington.

But first, we must we have the resources to win in this race and other battleground seats. Will you help conservatives win back a House majority and end Pelosi's Speakership and Schiff's Chairmanship with an urgent end-of-month donation?

Thank you,

Congressman Ken Calvert

Paid for and authorized by
Ken Calvert for Congress

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