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Thursday, April 13th, 2023


Why the US Is Headed Into Its Fourth Turning

Doug Casey

Should I Trust My Doctor Anymore?

Tom Woods

We Are Closening to a Move Through the Cycle – But First Will Come Disorder

Alastair Crooke

How Would You Fix This Colossal Multi-Trillion Dollar Mess?

Michael Snyder

Walmart Abandons Unprofitable Chicago Stores After Investing ‘Hundreds of Millions’ in City

Tyler Durden

America’s Fifth Column Has Sold Out the American People | Bannon Goes Off on America’s Finks and Dalios

Alexandra Bruce

Today in Empire: Copbots, MSM Compliance, and McCaul’s Embarrassing Taiwan Admission

Caitlin Johnstone

Debt Default Among Poorer Countries – Another Banking Spiral…

Helena Glass

Traders Still Getting Jobs and Inflation Wrong

Peter Schiff

Project Icebreaker: The Beginning of a One World Digital Currency System?

Brandon Smith

The Curse of Rousseau

Paul Craig Roberts

It’s Time To Hold the Medical Journals Accountable

Steve Kirsch

Political Theatre

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