Former GOP Congressman Francis Rooney will speak
at June Conference
While he was in Congress, Florida Representative Francis Rooney distinguished himself as a leading Republican on climate change. Among other things, he was an original cosponsor of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act when it was first introduced in 2018, and in 2019, he became the Republican co-chair of the bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus. His climate credentials and bipartisan approach make him the perfect keynote speaker for CCL's upcoming conference in Washington, D.C. (June 10-13), "The 2023 Climate Lobbying Reboot." Rooney’s support for climate solutions like carbon pricing is informed by the science. In a past interview with CCL, he said, “I’ve always felt it’s obvious that human activity has had an impact on climate, but I didn’t know as much about it until I studied it. Life is a journey of continuous learning.” That learning was motivated in no small part by representing his state's 19th Congressional District in southwest Florida, a place many would consider to be ground zero for climate change. Rising sea levels, increasingly severe storms and red tides are affecting people there, and Rooney wanted to do all he could to limit the impact on his constituents and beyond. “It is not enough to adapt to these changes locally and move forward without looking at the root causes and working toward a broader and more preventative solution," Rooney said in an op-ed. At our June conference, you will hear directly from this influential voice and you can help work toward climate solutions. We hope you’ll join us!
In other news this week: • Watch CCL’s April call: On Saturday, we hosted our April national call for CCL volunteers, featuring a guest speaker from Future 500 and reviewing the actions you can take this month to advance climate policy. Watch the recording of the call or jump directly to the April Action Sheet to get started. • Surge forward on solar: Our research team’s Chart of the Week shows just how much clean energy is waiting in queues to be permitted and built. Spoiler alert: There’s a whole lot of solar. • Climate action on the airwaves: The latest episode of the Climate Optimists podcast features Flannery Winchester, CCL’s Senior Director of Communications, discussing CCL’s approach to climate advocacy. This would be a great episode to share on social media or send to friends who want to get active on climate. |