Content Warning: This email includes mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts
Hey there --
This is not the email we wanted to send. The Maryland legislative session ended without the Maryland Age Appropriate Design Code being signed into law.
Building on the success of similar legislation passed in California and the United Kingdom, the bipartisan Maryland Age Appropriate Design Code would’ve provided a privacy framework and product safety approach to the internet, ensuring that — like cribs and seatbelts — the online platforms kids and teens use every day are safe by design.
For young people in the state of Maryland, this was game changing legislation with the potential to transform their experience online and, in turn, their mental health. Just read one brave youth activist’s testimony in the state legislature:
"This bill, if introduced a year ago, would have allowed me to have higher privacy settings by default… and would have enforced the social media platform standards that are meant to protect me from social media features that have deeply exacerbated what I experience online. I could have been able to smile one more minute instead of being left to wonder if life was even worth living. I nor should any other student be given that burden, and this is why this bill is necessary.” — Andrew (Age 16)
Unfortunately, this bill faced an uphill fight from the beginning. Passing legislation to put a check on Big Tech means going up against some of the world’s biggest companies. In the last session of Congress, the Big Tech lobby spent $230 million to oppose bipartisan antitrust legislation – and that same lobby came out swinging against this bill in Maryland. [1]
Friend – I’ll be honest: We’re a small nonprofit up against some of the most powerful companies in the world – companies that now outspend Big Pharma and Big Banks to lobby against legislation unfavorable to their business models. But we’re not backing down. We still have an opportunity to get Age Appropriate Design Codes passed in Nevada and Minnesota. We’re running digital ads in both states to mobilize support for each bill and demand a vote before it’s too late. Can you chip in to help us pass the Age Appropriate Design Codes in Nevada and Minnesota?
We're disappointed at the outcome in Maryland. But with so many young people who care about their safety and the generations to come newly energized. We have hope that in the next legislative session, the Maryland AADC will become law.

Nicole Gill
Co-founder and Executive Director
Accountable Tech
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