Join us in urging young men to be part of the solution to sexual violence​​​​​​

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Dear John,

“Most men won’t look in the mirror and see the problem. But it’s staring us right in the face. It’s you. It’s me. It’s us. Sexual violence starts long before you think it does. Don’t be that guy.”

​​With those words, three young men in our powerful Public Service Announcement (PSA) send a message to their peers about how to treat women.​​​​​

screenshot of PSA - three men

We’ve released the “That Guy” spot for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, as we continue our transformative work to change attitudes, change the culture, and invite men to take the pledge to be part of the solution to sexual and domestic violence.

Produced in partnership with the Waitt Institute for Violence Prevention, Kind World Foundation, and Allstate Foundation, and adapted from a spot first created in Scotland, our PSA directs viewers to our new microsite, There, they can take a pledge and access discussion questions and an Activation Toolkit with materials to help them share these new resources.

We welcome your support as we roll out our “That Guy” spot and pledge. You can help by sharing the link, posting the new spot on your social media channels, and using the Toolkit we’ve produced.

Together, we can enlist young men in the work to prevent violence and abuse. Thank you, as always, for sharing and supporting our work!

In Solidarity,
Brian O’Connor
Director of Public Education Campaigns & Programs

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Futures Without Violence
100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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