Breathe Southern California is pleased to present...
Conversations with the Chair
Join us for a four-part speaker series bringing together the public, industry stakeholders, and key policymakers in transportation, sustainability, energy, and more.

The second event features Hon. Ara Najarian, Chair of the Los Angeles Country Metropolitan Transportation Authority (METRO). Please join us on April 13, 2023, from 6-8 pm at The Rose Room (6 Rose Ave, Los Angeles) for a networking reception followed by a conversation between Breathe SoCal CEO Marc Carrel and Chair Najarian, with an opportunity for audience questions.

Use code STAFFCOMP to register for FREE!

Complimentary drinks and refreshments will be served.
Space is limited so hold your free spot with promo code STAFFCOMP before they're gone!
For information on sponsoring a Conversations with the Chair event, email Rafael Magaña at [email protected] or call 202-751-5532.