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Support our good governance projects, helping build better institutions for a better future.

Our Mosque, Our Future 

Since 2018, we have held four conferences across the UK with thousands of attendees sharing best practices and discussing critical topics, including:

🕌Mosque management & good governance
🧕Diversity & inclusion
🚨Mosque Security 
♻️ Sustainability and the environment 
The MCB is committed to strengthening and building British Muslim communities through institution building.

🌟 In the final blessed days of Ramadan, support MCB's good governance programmes for Mosques; every donation counts!
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May Allah accept your deeds in the last 10 nights, keep our hearts united as we work for the common good, Ameen. 

Zara Mohammed
MCB Secretary General
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PO Box 57330 London E1 2WJ
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