Biggs for

Because of President Trump's leadership, our country and the Conservative movement just keep WINNING!

How are we winning...?
  • Record low unemployment
  • 100's of new conservative judges on the bench
  • Unprecedented economic growth and historic new trade deals
  • The list goes on...‼️

We've come a long way to clean up the mess left by Obama and the Democrats. But if we're going to make these changes permanent – we can't stop now!

The Democrats have no record to run on, so they're resorting to using fear and dirty tactics to trick voters into voting for them. Help us set the record straight and show the voters everything we've accomplished under President Trump by making a small contribution of $5 or $10 today.

President Trump kept his promise to Make America Great Again! It's up to everyone of us to help him keep it that way.

Thank you,

Andy Biggs,
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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