Car makers are targeting conservatives.
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The Well Has Run Dry
The Biden administration proposed actions that would significantly reduce water supplies in seven western states [[link removed]] amid severe drought conditions that stretch back decades.
The Truth is Coming Out
Hunter Biden's business partners visited the White House an obscene number of times [[link removed]] while Biden was Vice President. BUT, Joe didn't know anything about Hunter's business.
Secret Order of Rockets
Another country that is supposed to be our ally is sending help to Russia [[link removed]]. Is there any country that we can trust?
It's Finally Over
Oh, Happy Day! Republicans have forced Biden to officially end the COVID-19 emergency! [[link removed]]
Go Woke, Go Broke
Eighty percent of Bud Light drinkers ordered something else this week, Brewhouse owner said — while the 20% who did order Bud Light “weren’t on social media and hadn’t heard yet” about its new transgender pitch person [[link removed]].
Democrat National Convention
The Democratic Party has picked the most dangerous city in the U.S. [[link removed]] for their convention in 2024.
Dialing In
Car makers are targeting conservatives by removing this feature from their new cars [[link removed]]. I thought this was a joke, but it's not!
Calling All Moms!
Are you a mom? If so, Moms for America, hosts some really great webinars centered around freedom [[link removed]]. Registration is free.
Let's have a good laugh [[link removed]]!
It could happen to anyone. [[link removed]]One of these is not like the other [[link removed]].We laughed [[link removed]] a lot.
We are looking for your feedback [[link removed]] to understand your first impression of our messaging.
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