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Dear John,
Seventy four.
That's how many people have been killed or injured by guns at American schools this year, including the three children and three teachers who were murdered by a shooter carrying an assault-style weapon in Nashville last month.

Time and again, politicians call for "Thoughts and prayers" in the wake of these senseless acts, but we're calling on politicians to take action on what actually could have prevented it: an assault weapons ban.
Tell Congress: Pass an assault weapons ban now. Click here to sign the petition.
Banning assault weapons saves lives. The 1994 federal assault weapons ban, which lasted until 2004, reduced the risk of a person in the U.S. dying from a mass shooting by 70%. Both the number of deaths and the number of annual incidents decreased significantly.
Today, without an assault weapons ban, not only does the U.S. top the world for mass shootings, but we have about four times more mass shootings than the number two nation on that list, Russia.
Congress must act responsibly and enact a federal assault weapons ban immediately. If they fail to act, state legislatures must step in with a ban in their states. Washington and Illinois have already initiated such measures. Other states must follow suit.
Please join us and demand Congress pass an assault weapons ban now to protect our children, our communities and to help save lives. Click here to sign the petition.
Thank you for speaking out.
-The team at CREDO Mobile
Over $94 million donated to progressive causes since 1985.

CREDO Mobile - The pioneer in doing good since 1985.