Why do city dwellers, the victims of these destructive policies, continue to vote for these villains?
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Democrats Are Killing Our Great Cities
Why do city dwellers, the victims of these destructive policies, continue to vote for these villains?

The Left Is Killing Our Great Cities

Chicago’s new mayor, Brandon Johnson, may turn out to be a worse mayor than the incumbent. His ...

TYRANNY: Government Is Marketing Censorship Tools To Big Tech To Gag Conservatives
Freedom of speech means freedom from interference, suppression or punitive action by the government. That's it. And it is the bedrock of our Constitutional Republic.

'The concept of political rights is vanishing. It is forgotten that the right ...

Weaponized FBI Sought to Develop Sources Inside Christian Churches and Catholic Dioceses To ‘Combat Domestic Terrorism’
Christians are the problem? We only need to look at history to know how this is going to go.

FBI sought to develop sources in Catholic churches to combat domestic terrorism, docs show

FBI hit with subpoena for records by House Judiciary ...

Biden’s Digital Strategy: An Army of (TikTok) Influencers
At a time when Congress is trying to pass legislation to ban China's TikTok, the Biden Administration uses TikTok influencers to increase President Biden's popularity with Gen Z voters. Why would President Biden support legislation to protect ...

“15 Days to Slow the Spread” Officially Ends 1,120 Days Later
Obscene. Worse still, blue cities and states continue to enforce unconstitutional Covid mandates.

White House: On Monday, April 10, 2023, the President signed into law: H.J.Res. 7, which terminates the national emergency related to the COVID-19 ...

Lawless Chicago to Host 2024 Democratic National Convention
Chicago? With it's no anti-law enforcement radical hard-left Mayor? This is deliberate. It will make the 1968 Chicago riots look like a country fair.


— Clown World (@ClownWorld_) April 11, 2023

Chicago ...

Death Toll During The Holy Month Of Ramadan 2023
Some people point out that there are terrorist attacks every day, all year round. This is true, but they miss the point: the month of Ramadan is not an ordinary month, but a holy month. Ramadan is a special month. Ramadan is a time when Muslims are ...

Where Did the Flu Go in 2020 and 2021?
Flu, cancer and heart attack deaths were way down in 2020 and 2021. The Biden regime paid hospitals for Covid cases and deaths. By classifying all deaths as Covid deaths, healthcare facilities got big government outs per death.

One of the ...

Wisconsin Republicans Once Again Vanquished By Common Foe: The Mail
The Republican Party is a stupid and archaic party. They refuse to engage in mail-in ballots and early voting in states where it is legal. This ineptitude is giving the Democrat Party a huge advantage in elections. If President Trump does not have ...


The American people love President Trump. But the adulation from millions of Americans won't matter if President Trump doesn't have a strong mail & early voting operation.

Legends @ufc pic.twitter.com/6hDLUXQ8KN

— Donald Trump ...

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