Guess who was conveniently left out of the poll’s list of candidates. The only one who actually announced her candidacy at the time of polling. The only candidate who comes from outside of the political class with a vision to lead the country towards a new beginning with a humanitarian bottom line.
If you guessed Marianne Williamson, you’re right.
This isn’t the first time Marianne has been stonewalled by the political class. It happened in 2020, and it’s happening again now. Don’t talk about the elephant in the room, and maybe you won’t have to address it. But the party bosses in Washington can’t ignore the voice of the people. What that voice is saying, and saying loudly, is that they want a new beginning for our country and they are fed up with the business-as-usual attitude.
In late March 2023, one of the few polls which included Marianne by name showed her at 10 percent, a drastic 6 percent increase from a poll three weeks previously.
You know what that tells us? When voters hear Marianne, they connect with her message. They can see the hope and promise of America, the same hope and promise that has been left to collect dust by the ones who already hold the cards. When we’re able to break through the noise, we can win.
But this isn’t a simple hurdle to overcome. It’s going to take every single pair of boots on the ground that we can spare. It’s going to take ads across social media and television to spread Marianne’s message and dispel myths and untruths when they come forward. It’s going to take a steady, ever-increasing drumbeat by people like you who are fed up with the status quo.
Marianne’s vision is one that we desperately need in American society. One where no human being goes to bed without a roof over their head and a full stomach. One where families can grow and thrive without the fear of economic despair at the hands of medical or student debt. One where we, at the core, center our legislative decisions in peace and love, not war and profit.
Team Marianne