URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Spring grizzly bear hunting season has already begun in several states, and vicious trophy hunters are out for blood!

Grizzly bears are one of our country’s most treasured mammals. After a long, cold winter, hungry grizzlies are finally leaving their dens, hopeful for a hearty meal this spring. Nursing mama bears who gave birth during hibernation will be among the most eager to nourish themselves and their newborn cubs.

And that’s exactly what cruel trophy hunters are hoping, so that they can easily lure out weakened mama bears desperate for food -- and VIOLENTLY SLAUGHTER these helpless animals. Meanwhile, waiting for mama’s return, orphaned bear cubs are left scared and alone to FREEZE OR STARVE TO DEATH. Please, Friend, take action now to protect mama bears and their cubs from brutal trophy hunters this spring >>

Right now, while you’re reading this email, trophy hunters are waiting just outside bear family dens to ATTACK AND BRUTALIZE these innocent animals by any means possible.

Trophy hunters show NO MERCY and will use the most INHUMANE methods to get their kill -- steel leg hold traps, choking snares, toxic lead bullets, and even dynamite!

And the worst part about these gruesome bear hunts? Many states LEGALLY PERMIT it! No animal deserves to suffer the agonizing pain of these sick and tortuous murders, Friend. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service MUST take urgent action to STOP allowing barbaric trophy hunters to MASSACRE these beloved mammals before more precious grizzly bears are WIPED OUT forever.

Friend, will you show mercy today by speaking up for these voiceless animals? Add your name to DEMAND an END to brutal bear hunting practices >>

Thank you for protecting bears,
Friends of the Earth
