The partial answer to this problem is to expand our team, but we hardly have enough to do what we have to do now. If you can help, please do. SHARK is one of the very few organizations that still works in the environment where the abuse occurs.
Folks, wars are not won in offices. Our nonviolent war for compassion must be fought and won on the killing fields, and the arenas of torture. Unfortunately, just getting to those places costs money for wear and tear on vehicles, rooms, food, etc. Our equipment is professional grade, so we can get the video documentation we need. Our professional and unrelenting pursuit of animal abusers have put a crimp in the cockfighting and rodeo mafias like nothing else ever has. The beagles of Envigo are free today because SHARK documented their abuse with our drones. There are so many issues that we've impacted, but when it comes to saving animals, we are never satisfied, and we always want to do more.
You can read more about SHARK's many, many successes here.
Please see below for other ways to help SHARK help save animals lives across the county and beyond.