
As Iowans and New Hampshirites prepare to cast the first votes of the 2020 election, concern is mounting over whether our election infrastructure is secure enough to achieve accurate results.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Senate Intelligence Committee presented evidence in July that Russian interference in our elections was discovered in all 50 states in 2016, and that it is already underway for 2020.

Free Speech For People is is fighting for free and fair elections with secure, verifiable, and reliable voting technology. We started our election security program last year with litigation in Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee, and as 2020 gets underway, we want to ensure that every vote is accurately recorded.

Can you chip in to help us protect our elections in 2020?

We have an ambitious agenda ahead of us for securing our elections:

  • Implement hand-marked paper ballots in Pennsylvania elections: We are advancing our lawsuit regarding the state’s use of insecure and unreliable voting machines. We are seeking urgent relief from the state court to replace the insecure voting machines currently used in Philadelphia and other counties, and we plan to bring a similar case challenging the use of insecure ballot-marking devices and direct recording electronic voting machines in another key swing state before the general election.

  • Provide expert advice and guidance to the Election Assistance Commission concerning false advertising by voting machine vendors: In January 2020, we joined the National Election Defense Coalition (NEDC) in sending a letter to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) detailing false claims that wireless modems included in ES&S’s DS200 voting system had been federally certified. The EAC has begun an investigation to review the false claims raised in our letter, and we are leveraging this further to press states to suspend the use of wireless modems before the 2020 elections.

  • Further expose collusion between some election officials and voting systems vendors:  We've teamed up with the National Election Defense Coalition to sue Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson for access to public records on the security and reliability of voting machines. We aim to reach a resolution in this case this year to further expose the cozy relationship between certain unscrupulous election officials and voting systems vendors, resulting in insecure voting systems.

The window of time available to transition to paper ballots prior to the upcoming 2020 election is closing fast, making this work more urgent than ever. To succeed in passing these reforms in time for such a critical election cycle, we need the help of supporters like you. Could you chip in to help us fight for election security during the 2020 election?

Thanks for everything you do,

Ron Fein (Legal Director, Free Speech For People)

Paid for and authorized by Free Speech For People
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