Daily Docket — Tuesday, April 11
Here are some updates from the last few days. |
Last week, the Texas Senate advanced numerous anti-voting bills. The bills would give the secretary of state the power to order a rerun of an election in Houston’s Harris County, create a system to investigate election crimes and more.
Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb filed to run for U.S. Senate. Pushing the “Big Lie,” Lamb and his far-right sheriffs group, Protect America Now, "created a posse of vigilantes who are eager to spy and report on their neighbors" about allegations of voter fraud, Democracy Docket contributor Jessica Pishko wrote last August.
A trial was scheduled for Oct. 30, 2023, in Fair Fight v. True the Vote, a voter intimidation case about right-wing efforts to challenge the voter eligibility of hundreds of thousands of Georgia voters ahead of the 2021 U.S. Senate runoff elections.
Here's what to expect coming up. |
The Arizona gubernatorial election was five months ago, but Kari Lake still hasn’t given up her legal fight contesting the results. So, tomorrow we’re diving into all the litigation that’s going on in the Grand Canyon State.
This is a Daily Docket email where we provide the day’s voting rights news and courtroom updates that you need to know. |
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