![]() Patriot, While most Americans were lucky to get a day off for Easter weekend, Congress helped itself to two full weeks of vacation. On the bright side, of course, this means we are safe from them for one more week. But make no mistake, it’s a temporary calm before the storm returns. Increasingly, the Washington establishment is behaving like an animal caught in a corner. The total disaster in Ukraine has put us not only in a diplomatic crisis, but a financial crisis as the world has begun to turn away from the dollar. The War Party – the neoconservative/neoliberal Washington establishment – is watching its house of cards collapse . . . and turning its hatred on the American people. They’re only going to get more radical and more extreme as their agenda unravels. That’s why it’s so crucial you and I continue to expose their schemes and organize the opposition against them. The biggest impact C4L can have on liberty comes by being on the same page with supporters like you who make all we do battling back against the tyrants possible. That’s why I hope you’ll take this quick survey my staff has prepared to gauge your opinion on the critical battles we’re facing today and those we’ll see over the coming months. Consider all that we’re facing right now: • A globalist World Health Organization (WHO) Treaty that would create an
international health police force, sponsored by Bill Gates, with the power to violate your medical freedom and privacy and enforce vaccine mandates
and any other draconian measures they deem necessary to stop Covid or some future pandemic. • An “assault weapons ban” to outlaw the most popular firearms in America, and a national “Red Flag” law that would allow the federal government to confiscate your firearms and prohibit you from owning them, with no due process of law before determining you are a “threat” to others. • A Central Bank Digital Currency giving the government total control over your money, including the ability to know what you buy and sell, when you buy and sell it, how much you have, and the ability to limit how much you spend and confiscate it from you completely with the push of a button if they deem it “necessary” to do so. • An out-of-control Federal Reserve that has destroyed the value of the dollar, manipulated the economy for political purposes, and is now leading us toward an inflationary recession that will destroy the value of your paychecks, savings, and investments. • The RESTRICT Act, which would allow the government to deem any speech it doesn’t like a “threat” by calling it supportive of America’s enemies, allowing the bureaucracy to directly silence your speech or by forcing social media platforms to censor you, under threat of 20-year federal felony charges. • Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, who view “non-elites" as a threat to the planet, scheming to destroy Western civilization through “Green New Deal” policies that would cripple our ability to produce food and energy and leave hundreds of millions of people broke, freezing, and starving. You probably feel, as we do, that all of these things are important. Every day, we have to assess what is most urgent. But we can only fight on so many fronts at once, and we want to know which of these issues is most important to you. Please take a moment to complete your brief Campaign for Liberty Supporter Survey. Your responses will help guide us on these tough decisions. It only takes a moment, and your replies are always confidential. And once you’ve completed your survey, please also chip in a contribution to help us fuel these essential political battles. Whether you’re able to give $1,000 or $100 or $10 today, it will help fund us to fight the on-going attacks on liberty. Especially if you would like to see us fight for “all of the above,” please make a contribution to support our efforts – because we can’t do it alone, and we must hold politicians accountable. For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director P.S. We want to hear from you! Please be sure to return your official Campaign for Liberty 2023 Supporter Survey right away! P.P.S. Remember, we can only take on so many battles, but the more support, the more we can do. Please make a contribution to Campaign for Liberty today! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |
Because of Campaign For Liberty's tax-exempt status under IRC Sec. 501(C)(4) and its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)). www.CampaignForLiberty.org |