According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been more mass shootings in 2023 than there have been days of the year.

147 ....and counting.

As long as we have people being gunned down across the country - in schools, movie theaters, stores, places of worship, and on our streets, I simply refuse to accept that thoughts and prayers are enough. We need action.

And I'm not alone. The majority of Americans support measures to prevent gun violence.

From 1994-2004, we had a ban on military-style assault weapons, and, not surprisingly, gun crimes involving assault weapons declined. It's time to reinstate that ban.

Weapons of war do not belong on American streets. Join me in showing your support publicly by adding your name to our petition.


I am proud of my vote to help pass the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act last year – one of the only substantive actions to prevent gun violence since 1994. But it is not enough.

Now is the time to get this done.

Join me in supporting a ban on military-style assault weapons by signing your name right now.

I support legislation to reinstate the assault weapons ban. Together, we can end the epidemic of gun violence.

Thank you for standing with me,


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