We must find who committed this act of cruelty!
Animal Legal Defense Fund


Twenty horses were found dead in Kentucky in what appears to be a calculated slaying. The Animal Legal Defense Fund is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people who shot and killed these horses, and we need your help.

Image of A Horse in a stable looking sad with overlay text that says 'Don't let animal abusers get away with their crimes'

The horses were discovered in an abandoned strip mine. Officials believe they were likely hunted and killed due to the way their scattered bodies were found. Five of the deceased horses belonged to nearby residents while the other horses were wild. At least two horses were pregnant and miscarried after being shot.

Acts of violence like this have no place in our communities and cannot be ignored. Studies show that animal abusers are 5x more likely to commit violence against people — threatening the safety of both people and animals.

Animal cruelty needs to be taken as seriously as any human violence. Not only to prevent future crimes against people, but because animals are victims, too — and they deserve justice just like you and me.

Your support today will help ensure that the Animal Legal Defense Fund can partner with law enforcement and prosecutors to bring animal abusers to justice.

For the animals,

Stephen Wells, Executive Director

Stephen Wells
Executive Director


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525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931  | (707) 795-2533