Alarmingly low grades for 10 social media and game platforms...
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Dear John,

We just released our latest Holocaust Denial Report Card and I’m alarmed. You should be too.

Sadly, at a time when antisemitism is rising in the U.S. and globally, the lackluster response from social media companies when confronted with Holocaust denial is all too common. This is deeply concerning given the correlation between online antisemitic content and offline violence.

Online today, you might come across a Holocaust denial video that claims to “reveal the truth” about the number of people murdered, or a popular online game where a player names themselves “Holohoax.”

And even after you report this to the tech platform, they are likely to ignore you and leave the Holocaust denial online.

Every one of the platforms the ADL Center for Technology & Society surveyed for our latest Holocaust Denial Report Card has a policy against hate speech in general, and several have explicit policies against Holocaust denial.

Yet none of them scored better than a C+ on our report card, and several had grades of a D- or F.

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We have found that most platforms will remove content when the complaint comes from a trusted partner like ADL, but almost none of them consistently take action when the concern is raised by an average user.

We will keep using this report card and other efforts to prod social media and game companies to reduce online antisemitism. We encourage you to see what grades the online platforms you use have received. Please keep reporting Holocaust denial and other forms of antisemitic content to these platforms so they cannot ignore the problem, and take a moment now to tell Congress to support the Holocaust Education and Antisemitism Lessons Act as another way to increase the reach of Holocaust education.

Thank you for all you do to Fight Hate for Good alongside ADL.

What Grade Did Your Favorite Platforms and Games Get?

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Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director