From Sarge (The Office Pup) <[email protected]>
Subject my boss Haley needs your help
Date April 11, 2023 4:34 PM
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Hey folks – my name is Sarge and I’m the office pup over at Stevens HQ.

Today is National Pet Day, so my boss Haley said I could send an email out to the team.

Fundraising isn’t usually in my job description, but I have a habit of sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong. So when I saw Haley’s fundraising looking ruff for the month of April, I knew I had to get my paws dirty and help out.

Will you help Haley play catch up on her goal by chipping in $10 or whatever you can today? I know it would mean the world to her.

Chip in $10 [[link removed]]

Other Amount [[link removed]]

Let me bark it down: Haley is one of the hardest workers I know (and I run around all day so that’s saying something).

She spends a lot of time dealing with pawful Republicans, and when she comes back to the office after a long day running up and down the Hill, she still makes time to answer to her constituents’ needs.

She digs deep to help the working families of Michigan, but she needs to stay on track towards her goal to keep Republicans from reversing our progress. So , will you throw me a bone and chip in $10 to help Haley play catch up?

Chip in $10 [[link removed]]

Other Amount [[link removed]]

The biggest treat you could give me is your support.


– Sarge

Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave #539
Birmingham, MI 48009
United States

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