Dear United for a Fair Economy community, 

As spring begins to bloom, we are excited to share with you some updates about our new, continued and emerging work for economic and racial justice across the country. Through supporting grassroots leaders and providing organizing training, we are ensuring that those most impacted by inequality and injustice are leading the work for systemic change and movement building. Thank you for being part of our community, supporting our work and joining us in working for a fair and inclusive economy for all. 

In solidarity, the UFE team

UFE is building grassroots leadership in Alabama: 

We are excited to share that we have launched a new project in Alabama: The Grassroots Organizing School of Alabama! GOSA is bringing UFE’s popular economics education toolkit — custom curricula on economic inequality and racial injustice, facilitation skills, healing for liberation practices, and language justice tools — to Alabama to develop a strong group of organizers that are ready to be activated. Our intent with GOSA is to resource projects – especially projects to build Black and Brown solidarity, and to advance worker rights and fair pay – with organizers who have the analysis and skills to hit the ground running. Read more about GOSA on our blog! 

UFE is supporting immigrant organizing in the South: 

UFE is excited to announce our partnership with Southeast Immigrant Rights Network on the leadership and organizing initiative The Hummingbird Institute! This initiative, a partnership with SEIRN, Blueprint NC, NC Collaborative for Strong Latinx Communities and Unites for a Fair Economy, seeks to bring together grassroots immigrant and refugee leaders from around the Southeast to advance their leadership and organizing skills. The deadline to apply is April 16th.

We launched are our new
Economics for Everyone Conversation Deck:

Inspired by popular education and conversation card decks that spark dialogue, this bilingual deck of 52 open-ended questions about our personal experiences with the economy is a tool for building community and inspiring action for economic justice. The virtual version is available to all for free. The deck includes the beautiful artwork featured above.

We are continuing to support healing retreats for youth in North Carolina

Working with partners across North Carolina, UFE is part of the collective that emerged out of the healing retreats we facilitated last year called CHILL (Collective Healing for Love and Liberation). CHILL hosted a mental health retreat at the Avila Center from March 31 - April 3rd which included mental health trainings, healing circles, drumming workshop and other support for BIPOC youth leaders in NC. Stay tuned for a blog post about this retreat! 

Welcome to the UFE team Kayan!

We welcomed a new staff member to the United for a Fair Economy team in February! Kayan Cheung-Miaw is our new Wages and Workers Rights Organizer and will be supporting the Raising Wages NC coalition work to raise the minimum wage in North Carolina. Welcome Kayan!

UFE is hiring a Resource Mobilization Director:

UFE's Resource Mobilization Director Sara Sargent will be heading to graduate school so we are hiring to fill the role. 
Are you passionate about economic justice, movement building and fundraising for social change? Please apply!
We have a flexible 32 hr work week, excellent benefits and this is a hybrid position based in Boston, MA! Please spread the word. 

Upcoming UFE work and events: 

  • The Raising Wages North Carolina coalition, which UFE coordinates, is gearing up for a series of actions in April to advocate the state legislature to raise the minimum wage to $15/hr! These include a Lobby Day and Building Worker Power Convening on April 26th in Raleigh, NC. 
  • The much respected popular education organization Equipo Maiz will be visiting the US from El Salvador in April and co-facilitating trainings about anti-Blackness in the Latinx community and building solidarity with United for a Fair Economy. UFE's Executive Director Jeannette Huezo has been working with them closely to develop and pilot this new popular education curriculum. 
  • UFE will be hosting a donor briefing for our community in May- look out for the invitation! 
  • We will be sharing our Impact Report 2022 with our community in the coming weeks.
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