Preserving Liberty for All

Preserving Democracy Project Update | WILL Wins Preliminary Injunction in Defense of First Amendment

Last Friday, WILL won a preliminary injunction on behalf of clients Tim and Megan Florek, against the City of Neenah for its unconstitutional sign ordinance. WILL’s lawsuit alleged that the City violated the Floreks’ First Amendment speech rights.

The City will not be able to enforce their unconstitutional ordinance against the Floreks while the lawsuit moves forward.

🗯 WILL Deputy Counsel, Lucas Vebber stated, “The First Amendment protects every American’s right to speak. Too often, government bodies ignore their citizens’ right to speak out, and WILL promises to hold such bad actors accountable, no matter what.”

ℹ️ Learn more about the Preserving Democracy Project. Read about this recent win in the Post Crescent.

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From the Desk of Rick Esenberg | A message on Tuesday night's election results

Elections ebb and flow, but there are no permanent victories or defeats in politics. No matter who wins or loses, the Constitution must remain our lodestar. 


We, at WILL, continue to stand for constitutionally-limited government and respect for our Constitution’s separation of power. 


We will defend the rule of law and the equality of each individual before it. We will fight for individual liberty and the freedom of civil society.


Politics will wax and wane, but WILL’s mission and guiding principles remain paramount to preserving liberty in Wisconsin and across the country. 

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NEW | Policy brief shows WI taxpayers potentially on the hook for record amount of pork projects

WILL released its newest policy brief, “Beyond the Budget: The Surge of Non-Agency Pork in Wisconsin.” In this policy brief, we show how non-state agency capital requests have increased, raising concerns about the appropriate use of taxpayer dollars for the good of the state. 💸

🗯 WILL Policy Director, Kyle Koenen, stated “The state legislature will have to consider if these non-state agency requests have a state-wide impact and serve the public interest. The government should use discernment and practice good stewardship of people’s money, not just green light every request that comes their way.”

📰 For more info, read this article from The Center Square and listen to Kyle's interview on the "WI Morning News" podcast.

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NEW | WILL Takes on Biden’s Racial Equity Agenda, Seeking to Halt New Federal Agency

WILL filed for a preliminary injunction to halt the Biden Administration’s new “Minority Business Development Agency” (MBDA). MBDA refuses to help millions of American-owned businesses based solely on race, including businesses owned by individuals whose ancestors are from Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and portions of Asia and Central America.

WILL represents small business owners from Texas, Wisconsin, and Florida in its eighth lawsuit against the Biden Administration, which was filed in federal court in the Northern District of Texas last month.

🗯 WILL Deputy Counsel, Dan Lennington, stated “Since his inauguration, President Biden has targeted equality, seeking to replace it with racial equity. But let’s call equity what it is: race discrimination. Today we are standing up for all Americans and calling on our federal courts to dismantle Biden’s racist equity agenda, one piece at a time.”

ℹ️ Interested in helping us fight this blatant race discrimination? Click here to support our efforts.

⚖️ Learn more about this lawsuit, check out our interview on Newsmax or read this article from The Washington Free Beacon.

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WEBINAR | The Preserving Democracy Project

On Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 11:00 AM, WILL Deputy Council, Lucas Vebber, will be hosting a free, informative webinar. The webinar will focus on the cases and efforts that WILL has brought forth to enforce structural limitations on government power and hold bureaucrats to the rule of law at all levels from city halls to Washington, D.C., including Britto v. ATF, Braun v. Walsh, Florek v. Neenah, and more.

Register Here

We hope you had a wonderful Easter!

The work we do would not be possible without the generosity of YOU, our donors; we are a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization that receives no public funds. As a non-profit and non-partisan organization, we litigate in the areas of equality under the law, property rights, the freedom to earn a living, voting rights, regulation, taxation, school choice, and religious freedom. As an educational organization, we strive to advance the debate concerning law and public policy in these and other areas.

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