No podcast this week, but we're inviting you to take part in a special webinar responding to Friday's decision by a Texas federal court judge to withdraw FDA approval on mifepristone., the drug used safely and effectively for over 20 years in non-surgical abortions in the U.S.
Here is the invite from Tune in this Tuesday to hear from Merle Hoffman, Sunsara Taylor and other Rise Up leaders about what just happened and what we must do.
>> Register for the webinar Tuesday April 11 8:00 pm ET | 7:00 pm CT | 5:00 pm PT
Trump Appointed fascist judge in TX, has revoked the FDA's approval of mifepristone (the safest, most effective, and most common abortion medication) effectively banning its use nationwide as early as this Friday, April 14.
This ruling is an OUTRAGEOUS violation of fundamental rights and an ILLEGITIMATE & FASCIST ASSAULT ON WOMEN. It is the biggest escalation in the all-out violent Christian Fascist assault on abortion rights since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade this summer.
Join the Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights team Merle Hoffman, Sunsara Taylor, Sam Goldman, Chantelle Piper and Patricia Wallin to understand the ruling, its implications and what’s needed to win abortion on demand and without apology nationwide.
Get organized for determined and defiant emergency actions on Friday April 14 & Saturday April 15 manifesting and demanding:
Fascist Judges: Keep Your Hands Off Medication Abortion!
Related, from Refuse Fascism Editorial Board members:
A speech in Austin TX Saturday April 8 by Coco Das:
It Is Time to Get Real. It Is Time to Fight for Abortion Rights!
"Yesterday, after 5 pm on Good Friday, perhaps/likely with the hope that
people would not get into the streets with their outrage on Easter
weekend, a federal judge in Amarillo Texas, Matthew Kaczmaryk revoked
FDA approval of the abortion pill mifepristone. Mifepristone is one of
the safest drugs on the market. But the Christian fascists who brought
this case know that. Judge Kaczmaryk knows that. These anti-abortion
lunatics who have been harassing women and killing doctors for decades
have built their whole movement on lies – but now 9 months after the
overturning of Roe, uplifted by a fascist movement in this country that
rose to the White House with Donald Trump, they are emboldened to
accelerate their attacks and go for the whole thing...." full text
Reposted from The Paul Street Report:
Don’t Laugh Off Fascism -Three Key Mistakes on Trumpism-Fascism
"It’s easy to dismiss the fascist menace stalking the United States by
focusing on the outrageous wackiness and buffoonery of national-level
Republi-fascist politicos like the Republicans’ leading 2024
presidential candidate Donald Trump, his US House of Representatives
friends Marjorie Taylor-Greene (MTG), Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, and Lauren
Boebert, and national Trump allies like “My Pillow” CEO Mike Lindell,
the bizarre Nixonite putschist Roger Stone, and the raving former Trump
National Security Adviser Mike Flynn. Don’t do it. Bear in mind that Adolph Hitler was widely dismissed as a
bloviating clown as he rose to power and marched humanity towards a
global war that killed at least 50 million people..." full text
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