
We at Consonant spoke to hundreds of our supporters and service users throughout the day yesterday.

Thank you to all who took part, on the phone or online, and for your generosity.

People have also been so generous in supporting our Appeal, it is truly appreciated.

The Appeal will continue for a few days yet so there is still time to join in at https://consonant.org.uk/consonantlive-its-good-to-talk/.

If you already make a regular donation, please consider increasing it a little or perhaps you could make a one-off Appeal Gift by visiting the website.

All your donations will go towards supporting the most vulnerable people at the most vulnerable point in their lives or bringing people together to give them the chances in our community that they deserve.

Thank you once again and I look forward to, perhaps, talking with you another time.

Warm regards,

Matthew Horton
Head of Individual Giving

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