STTA Live! LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

Research consistently shows that LGBTQ+ students and professionals in STEM-related fields experience disadvantages, social isolation, and harassment more often than their straight and cisgender peers. LGBTQ+ identified professionals in STEM fields often report that they are not given the resources that they need to do meaningful work and that their expertise is consistently devalued. 

Join us this Thursday, April 13 for Something to Talk About Live!

Learning With Love: The 2023 PFLAG National Convention is coming this fall

ICYMI, we’ve announced that Learning With Love: The 2023 PFLAG National Convention, will take place in Washington, DC and Arlington, VA, Thursday October 19-Sunday, October 22, 2023.

Save the date…details and registration are coming soon!

Day of (No) Silence 2023: Rising Up

GLSEN’s Day of Silence is a national day of action pushing back against the silencing of LGBTQ+ youth and the erasure of their experiences. As LGBTQ+ students and educators across the country face attacks on their rights to access affirming books, healthcare, and even the right to be called by the right name and pronouns at school, we use this day as a collective protest to demonstrate the power of our voices and the impact of our silence.

This year, the Day of Silence theme is Rising Up. As part of that theme, educators across the country will spend the day speaking up in every space online and offline in defense of the rights of LGBTQ+ students. In this time when LGBTQ+ students are being targeted, it is more critical than ever for adults to loudly claim a day of NO silence.

Learn more from our friends at GLSEN at

Authentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and Their Families

PFLAG National is proud to be a publishing partner on Authentic Selves, a beautiful and powerful new book from Skinner House. Groundbreaking in its depictions of joy and community, the book celebrates trans and nonbinary people and their families in stunning photographs and their own words. Developed in collaboration with PFLAG National and Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund, the book is now available for pre-order at

So often trans and nonbinary people’s stories are told only through the lens of their struggles and challenges, but trans and nonbinary people live rich and fulfilling lives full of joy and community too.The compelling stories in Authentic Selves provide a glimpse into the real lives, both the challenges and the triumphs, of these remarkable people and their families, all of whom are working to create a more just, diverse, and compassionate world.

Visit now to learn more and pre-order!


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