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DUP News Update   -   31st January 2020
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A step forward for innocent victims

Gregory Campbell raised the issue of a victims pension this week in Parliament.
Party Leader Arlene Foster MLA has welcomed the announcement today that the Secretary of State has signed new legislation introducing a victims pension scheme in Northern Ireland. The campaign for such a pension is one which DUP MPs have been campaigning on for some time.

On Wednesday East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell welcomed a reiteration of the Government's position that perpetrators should not be included within such a pension.

It echoed a previous government statement that
“there is no moral equivalence between a bystander badly injured in a terrorist explosion through no fault of their own, and the people who manufactured the bomb, placed the bomb and detonated the bomb.”

Welcoming today's announcement Arlene Foster said,

“This is a massive and welcome step forward for the innocent victims of our Troubles.

It is particularly welcome that this pension will only be for those who were injured through no fault of their own.  It was immoral that the 2006 Order categorised innocent victims alongside the perpetrators of acts of terror.

This pension will be awarded to people of all faiths and none but it will not be awarded to victim makers.  That will be welcomed by many across all communities.”

Work on challenges & seize the opportunities of Brexit

Diane Dodds leaving the European Parliament today for the last time.
As the United Kingdom prepares to formally leave the European Union, Party representatives have been reflecting on an historic moment.

Writing in the Belfast Telegraph, Party Leader Arlene Foster said,  

"As a unionist I recognise the importance of maintaining relationships and trade across the border with the Irish Republic. However, there was an almost singular focus on this cross-border dynamic over the last three years whilst our trade on an East-West basis was almost ignored.

In alleviating many of the predicted problems for trade between Northern Ireland and the Republic, they have instead been transferred to our single largest market. Northern Ireland trades more with the rest of the UK than we do with the rest of the world combined and obstacles to that trade will have a real impact on businesses and on people’s lives here.

I am disappointed that this evening Northern Ireland will not leave the European Union on the same terms as the rest of the United Kingdom. We must look forward however, work collectively on the challenges which face us and seize the opportunities that will be presented."
Read the full article
This week also, Diane Dodds concluded over 10 years representing the people of Northern Ireland as a Member of the European Parliament. Speaking ahead of the Parliament voting on the EU Withdrawal Agreement she said,

“One of my last acts in the European Parliament will be to vote against the Withdrawal Agreement.

It will not be a vote against Brexit. As someone who has been a strong supporter of the campaign for the United Kingdom to leave the EU it is difficult to be placed in that position. I campaigned for the United Kingdom to leave the EU, not for part of the UK to be treated differently and continue to be under EU control via a Joint Committee.

As a unionist from Northern Ireland I have never wanted to see the return to the borders of the past with the Republic of Ireland. However, the focus on this trade should never have been to the exclusion of the far larger and more important market for Northern Ireland within the rest of the United Kingdom. Many of those who have latterly come to oppose barriers to trade within the Irish Sea were curiously silent previously because their focus was blinkered on that north-south axis.

At 11pm on Friday the United Kingdom will leave the European Union, but challenges remain. Chief amongst those challenges will be for the Prime Minister to deliver upon the promises he has made about unfettered access to the United Kingdom internal market. Trade takes place in more than one direction, so that access must be unfettered for trade as it moves in both directions.

I will be leaving the European Parliament on the same terms as all my colleagues from every part of the United Kingdom. It is deeply disappointing that the people I represent in Northern Ireland are not being given that same privilege.”

Assembly to hear Mandatory Autism Training Call

Pam Cameron MLA will lead an Assembly debate calling for the introduction of mandatory autism training for teachers.

Clear Plan needed on MOTs

DUP Strangford MLA and Chair of the Infrastructure Committee Michelle McIlveen has written to the Department for Infrastructure asking for a regular briefing on how the department is addressing the chaos in our MOT centres.

Ms McIlveen said,

"I appreciate the fluidity of this situation but there needs to be a clear plan of action communicated to the public. This drip drip of information leads to uncertainty and this cannot continue.

Given the scale of the situation and the number of people affected, the public rightly expect better information to come from DVA.

The safety of staff and customers is paramount. However, there had still not been a full explanation as to why the state of the lifts could have deteriorated to a point where all MOT tests have to be cancelled. There are more questions than answers at this stage and those answers must come primarily from the DVA.

This is not a situation that has developed over the last few days or even weeks as we now understand the first fault was detected in November. Bizarrely this was not judged to be important enough to be included in the First Day Brief provided to the Minister.

The facts that we know so far:

1.    There 55 lifts and 48 have faults but all 55 lifts and associated lanes are now out of action.
2.    The first fault was detected in November.
3.    The Minister’s first day brief of 11 January contained no mention of this impending crisis.
4.    The same company is responsible for supplying all 55 lifts and they in turn subcontract the inspections  and maintenance of the lifts.
5.    Minor inspections were carried out every 8 weeks and then a major inspection every 6 months.

The questions we now need answered are:

1.    Will the lifts be repaired or replaced and what is the timescale of either scenario?
2.    Can four year old vehicles be given an MOT reprieve? Is it possible to extend this for 1 year?
3.    Can the HGV lanes be made operational 24/7 to address the backlog?
4.    How many inspectors are currently employed and how many are being trained?
5.    Why was this matter not included in the First Day Brief?"

Job Opportunities

The Party currently has a number of job opportunities available.

The most recent of these is for a researcher to support DUP Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly.

Assembly Researcher - Apply Now
All Current Vacancies
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  • Annual Party Conference - 23rd & 24th October - Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge Belfast.

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