From Diana DeGette <[email protected]>
Subject The disturbing news about the abortion pill
Date April 10, 2023 8:00 PM
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"Texas judge suspends FDA approval of abortion pill; second judge protects access"


Mifepristone was safe and effective when the FDA first approved it over 20 years ago. It still is today. But on Friday, one extremist Trump appointed federal judge in Texas reversed the FDA’s approval of this drug.

With a conflicting ruling in Washington state and an appeal from the Biden administration, Mifepristone is still legal and available throughout the country. We need to keep it that way.

The availability of safe drugs should not be left up to the courts. The pill is a doctor-approved, non-surgical alternative to the traditional procedure that has helped thousands of people access abortion care. But yet again, special interests have put our health in peril.

The truth about the Republican anti-choice movement is that they will stop at nothing to control our bodies. First it was unnecessary barriers, then the overturning of Roe v. Wade , and now it's abortion pills. Anti-choice Republicans in Congress aren't stopping there: They want a national ban.

As the co-chair of the Pro-Choice Caucus, my colleagues and I will never stop fighting to ensure everyone in this county has access to the full range of reproductive care – including medication abortion.

Congress has the power to create the laws that will overrule these horrible judicial decisions - and we must use that power. If you're with me in the fight to protect reproductive rights, add your name today → [link removed]

Thank you,

Diana DeGette

Diana is relying on grassroots donors to continue fighting for Colorado values in Congress. Can we count on you to chip in $5 -- or whatever you can today -- to help her keep fighting?

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Paid for by Diana DeGette for Congress, Inc., Edgar Neel, Treasurer
Diana DeGette for Congress
PO Box 61337
Denver, CO 61337
United States

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