Look, I might not be on the ballot this year but I’ll tell you what is:

This November we can vote for expanding quality health care, raising the minimum wage, protecting our public lands and combating climate change, passing sensible gun safety reforms, and more progressive issues that will make a meaningful difference in people’s everyday lives.

All of these things are possible only with a Democratic majority. Because while the GOP is spending all of their time figuring out how to deepen the pockets of the 1%, Democrats are busy fighting for hardworking folks like you.

I’m committed to fighting as hard as I can to elect Democrats up and down the ballot in tough districts (trust me, I’ve been there). But I need your help to build the resources it will take to keep me on the campaign trail fighting back against the GOP.

So, I’d really appreciate it if you could make a donation of any amount toward our big end-of-month goal before the clock strikes midnight. Every dollar will help us bring Democrats one step closer to the majority.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for everything you’re doing to help us out during this critical moment.

— Jon