From Advanced Energy Economy <[email protected]>
Subject AEE Weekly: IL Gov. Pritzker Vows Legislation; Ensuring Resource adequacy on a Changing Grid; Valuing DER Resources in ERCOT; AEN | East; ERCOT Market Summit
Date January 31, 2020 5:09 PM
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Illinios Gov. Pritzker Promises Legislation; Ensuring Resource adequacy on a Changing Grid; Valuing DER Resources in ERCOT; AEN | East; ERCOT Market Summit

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policy update

As Illinois Gov. Pritzker Promises Legislation, AEE Brings Member Companies to Talk Advanced Energy with Deputy ([link removed] )

IL Dep Gov Christian Mitchell mgt w seal ([link removed] )

After a landmark first year in office that included passing legislation on pension reform and recreational cannabis as well as putting a new state income tax proposal on the ballot this November, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker seemingly tackled every major item from his 2018 campaign agenda, with the exception of passing comprehensive energy legislation. But maybe not for long. In his State of the State address on Wed., Gov. Pritzker said, “Our spring agenda must address the pressing issue of adopting new clean energy legislation that reduces carbon pollution, promotes renewable energy, and accelerates electrification of our transportation sector.” In adding that he would not “sign an energy bill written by the utility companies,” he was also giving a sign of the potential for broad stakeholder input – and AEE is already ahead of the game. Click here to continue reading the blog post.> ([link removed] )

on the blog

How to Keep the Lights on in the Era of 100% Clean Energy Targets ([link removed] )

Resource adequacy 100% ([link removed] )

If you’re looking for big trends to watch in electricity markets, there’s no shortage these days. Some are broad policy issues, like the growing number of states targeting 100% clean grids (definitions vary but they are all directionally similar). Others are being driven by technology innovation, such as the continuing price declines for renewable energy and batteries. Some have a strong consumer focus, like smart thermostats and electric vehicles. Others are downright wonky, like the ongoing challenges related to the participation of distributed energy resources (DERs) in organized wholesale markets, or how states are trying to modernize the utility business model for the 21st century. One that we’ll look at today is how state policies to achieve 100% clean grids affect resource adequacy – that is, ensuring there is sufficient generating capacity to meet demand at all times. Click here to continue reading the blog post.> ([link removed] )

aee webinars

Valuing Distributed Energy Resources in ERCOT ([link removed] )

Recorded on Monday, January 27th 2020

Screen Shot 2020-01-27 at 4.21.12 PM ([link removed] )

Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance (TAEBA) recently released a new report that shows electricity customers across the

state could save $5.47 billion by using distributed energy resources (DERs) like solar energy, energy storage, efficiency, and electric vehicles to reduce the need for more costly peak power generation and transmission and distribution investments. The report quantifies the value of integrating DERs into transmission and distribution planning and allowing them to participate in existing wholesale markets. View the recording to learn more about the report’s key findings.


- Josh Bode, Partner & Principal, Demand Side Analytics
- Suzanne Bertin, Managing Director, TAEBA

View the Recording ([link removed] )

Featured Event

ERCOT Market Summit • February 25-27 • Austin, TX

ERCOT Market Summit (Feb 25-27, 2020): Join key players to address the biggest challenges and opportunities in ERCOT. Use the following special AEE discount code 2007AEE to save 15% off the registration price. Learn more and register here! ([link removed] )

_ADVANCED ENERGY NOW EAST ([link removed] ) Advanced Energy Now | East • May 21 • Annapolis, MD

Join AEE and our member companies at Advanced Energy Now | East to discuss ways to expand markets for advanced energy technologies while meeting state policy goals. Network with key government officials, regulators, and industry leaders from across the region. Register today! ([link removed] )

AEE / Transforming Policy. Expanding Markets. ([link removed] )

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