News from Representative Allred

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January 31, 2020

Dear John,

It has been an incredible honor serving as your representative in the 32nd District for the past year. This week, I released my 2019 End Of Year Report, which details my work representing you in Congress.

Since the day I was sworn in, I have been working hard to put North Texans first. Last year I met thousands of Texans through 21 town halls and roundtables, in addition to hundreds of constituent meetings. My office has held 34 mobile office sessions across the 32nd District and cut through the red tape of federal bureaucracies on behalf of 526 constituents.

In Washington, we can be helpful if you travel to our nation’s capital, as my office scheduled 765 tours. We also sent 35,000 responses to your letters. And I worked on a bipartisan basis to deliver real results to North Texas, as 78% of the bills I cosponsored have bipartisan support.


Read Rep. Allred's End of Year Report Here

This past year, I made it my priority to protect your health care and work to lower costs for everyone. I led bipartisan efforts to protect the Affordable Care Act in court and condemn this Administration's attacks on our health care. I also co-sponsored common-sense legislation to lower prescription drug costs and strengthen our health care system while protecting those with pre-existing conditions.


Rep. Allred telling the health care story of the Rose family on the steps of the Senate.

As North Texas grows, it’s important for our region to have efficient and sustainable transportation and infrastructure. I introduced the RAPID Act with Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) to incentivize investment in infrastructure and passed a bill repealing a provision that could’ve prevented Texas from receiving almost a billion dollars in federal transportation funds. I also led the Texas Delegation in a bipartisan show of support for a high-speed rail project that will connect the economies of Dallas and Houston.

I have been working diligently to make sure North Texans affected by the severe storms in October have the resources they need to move through the recovery process and rebuild their homes and businesses.

Our veterans have made great sacrifices for our country, and as a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I’ve been working hard to ensure veterans have the support they need and the care they deserve. Last year, I led a bipartisan effort with my North Texas colleagues urging the VA to open a health facility in Garland, which would bring care to 184,000 additional veterans. I also introduced a bill helping certain women veterans with emergency transportation costs for their newborns, which passed the House in November.


Rep. Allred listening to a local veteran at his Veterans Day town hall.

We accomplished so much last year, but there is much more to do to ensure that every North Texan has a shot at their version of the American Dream. Whether it is helping North Texans cut red tape and navigate federal agencies or it is fighting to lower health care and prescription drug costs -- I made a commitment to fight for North Texas values in Congress, and I am dedicated as ever to continuing that fight in the year to come.

My team and I are always here to answer your questions and help with any issues you have with federal agencies. If you would like to contact me, please send an email, or call my office at 972-972-7949. 


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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