Happy Easter |
He is risen!
I pray you're surrounded by family and friends today as we celebrate Christ's resurrection.
Happy Easter!
Working to Protect Free Speech on College Campuses |
Americans shouldn’t have to conform to the woke mob’s ideology to be hired at or accepted to a college/university.
The Left preaches diversity yet only supports those who think the way they do.
I’m working to protect free speech on our higher ed campuses!
Finish the Wall |
Biden’s Defense Department spends $130,000 a day storing Trump’s border wall materials.
Instead of wasting tens of millions in tax dollars every year, the president should finish the wall and protect our country!
Attending NASA's Artemis II Crew Announcement |
I was incredibly proud to participate in Monday's Artemis II crew announcement.
Astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, Christina Hammock Koch, and Jeremy Hanson are paving the way for our future in space—first, to the Moon. Soon, to Mars!
We Don't Need Foreign Oil |
OPEC is a cartel that controls worldwide oil production – often to our detriment.
We don’t need foreign oil – bring back American energy independence!
Bragg Confirms Federal Funds Used in Trump Probe |
Anyone with sense can see DA Alvin Bragg’s blatant weaponization of the legal system against Trump.
Now, we learn federal funds were involved?!
I'm fighting to ensure we see accountability.
The Chinese Spy Balloon Collected Intelligence from U.S. Military Sites After Biden Delayed Take-Down |
It’s confirmed: China purposefully steered its spy balloon over U.S. military installations.
While the administration dawdled, delayed, and deliberated about shooting it down, it collected/sent intelligence.
Biden’s lack of leadership has damaged our national security AGAIN.
Typical Biden Misdirection |
Joe Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal is one of history's worst foreign policy disasters.
Instead of taking any responsibility for the Americans killed, abandoned, and millions in military equipment left behind, they blame Trump.
Typical Biden misdirection!
Fed Up with the Left's Double Standard of Justice |
I join many in being fed up with the Left’s double standard of justice.
Gov. Abbott’s right to request this case be reviewed by the Board of Pardons and Paroles, and I look forward to his approval of their recommendation.
There are often tragic consequences to dangerous behavior.
The House Passes H.R. 1 Aimed at Lowering Energy Costs, Increasing American Production |
America produces the best energy in the world.
- Affordable
- Clean
- Reliable
H.R. 1 will strengthen our national security and reduce our reliance on foreign oil.
This Cannot be Allowed to Stand |
This atrocious abuse of power cannot be allowed to stand.
Prohibiting China from Buying U.S. Farmland |
You want to see a crisis? Think about Communist China creating a stranglehold on our food and energy industries.
Prohibiting Beijing from purchasing American farmland protects our national security!
NYC Saw Record Levels of Felony Crimes Last Year |
Last year, NYC reported the highest number of felony crimes since 2006.
Clearly, there are plenty of criminals that Bragg needs to prosecute.
Too bad he’s more interested in manipulating the law to go after a political opponent instead.
The Burdensome Impact of Illegal Immigration |
“…in the last five years, Liberty County and its CISD’s 143 square miles have drawn tens of thousands of illegal immigrant families with school-age children.”
Illegal immigration burdens every aspect of our society – even TX-36 schools!
Biden Slammed for Proposal Slashing Diary Access for Low-Income Families |
Americans are already facing 40-year high inflation and surging grocery prices.
Now, milk rations are being slashed for low-income families?
This administration has a remarkable ability to make bad situations worse.
SBA Update: Were YOU Affected by the Recent Tornado? |
Low-interest federal disaster loans are available to Texas businesses and residents affected by the severe storms and tornadoes that occurred on January 24, 2023.
The disaster declaration makes Small Business Administration (SBA) assistance available in Brazoria, Chambers, Fort Bend, Galveston, Hardin, Harris, Jasper, Jefferson, Liberty, Montgomery, Newton, Orange, and Waller counties.
Applicants may apply online, receive additional disaster assistance information, and download applications by clicking here.
Applicants may also call SBA’s Customer Service Center at (800)659-2955 or email [email protected] for more information on disaster assistance.
Deadline for Property Damage:
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Deadline to Apply for Economic Injury:
Monday, December 18, 2023
Attention Pasadena Residents |
The U.S. Postal Service has informed my office that a temporary mail trailer unit is open next to the damaged Delbert L. Atkinson Post Office (6100 Spencer Highway).
PO Box customers can utilize this trailer while the building is being rebuilt.
The hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
REMINDER: Look at Your Passport! |
If you’re planning to travel out of the country, ensure your passport is valid!
With international travel restrictions continuing to be lifted, processing times for passport renewals/new passports are still increasing.
Plan ahead, so that you can enjoy your trip!
CRUDE Act (H.R. 1481)
Summary: This bill restricts President Biden’s ability to impose an export ban on crude oil without first proving a credible national security risk.
Let Us Help You |
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.
Let us work on your behalf!