
Here are some interesting things you may have missed over the past two weeks.

Following lots of news about the topic of drag queens and trans activists pushing their gender ideology on children, I interviewed Billboard Chris, Canada’s most prominent defender of children against this nefarious and insane ideology. Watch on YouTube / Watch on Rumble

I discussed mass immigration, the lack of opposition to the Liberals in the House of Commons, and my future plans for the PPC with former PPC candidate Greg Wycliffe. Watch here.

I answered a bunch of questions on current political issues from Zach Schmidt. Watch here.

I also discussed drag summer camps for kids and drag queen story hours with journalist David Krayden. Watch here.

The news website LifeSite ran an article about how I lampooned the Canadian Armed Forces over their woke tweet for the ‘Transgender day of Visibility.’ Read here.

Finally, if you are not on social media, you might be interested in some of the tweets I recently posted. Check the ones below I selected for you!

Happy Easter and have a great week!



People's Party of Canada
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