New From The Guardian: “‘A streak of extremism’: US book bans may increase in 2023”

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Do you approve of your local public library?

Students with a librarian

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Friend, far-right Republicans like Ron DeSantis are pushing book bans to RECORD LEVELS to silence views that don’t match their ultraconservative agenda.

And now, our librarians and public libraries are facing threats and losing millions in funding.

So Democrats like Representative Jamie Raskin are taking a stand against these ridiculous Republican‑led book bans.

Jamie Raskin: We need more politicians reading books in America and fewer politicians censoring books in America.

The only way to stop these Republican attacks is to show support for our local librarians and public libraries!

So we need to show our support for librarians and teachers fighting back against Republican attacks, but first we need to ask:

Do you approve of your local public library?

Yes, I approve! >>
No, I do not approve >>
Unsure >>

Response needed

We need you in this fight.


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