A baby sea turtle has just hatched on the shore and is about to reach the ocean for the first time! The excited little creature can’t wait to eat. But as soon as it attempts to swallow the translucent jellyfish-looking bite, it begins hacking. It wasn’t jellyfish but plastic that the baby turtle has eaten -- and it’s now LODGED in the tiny throat of this innocent animal who is just at the beginning of life. Attempts to cough up the plastic’s sharp edges are moot, and soon, the young sea turtle will CHOKE TO DEATH.

This sad story happens all too often, Friend. The ocean is being consumed by plastic waste, and scientists think there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050 -- making it even harder for animals like baby sea turtles to discern what is food and what is not.

Efforts to reduce plastic waste haven’t been enough, so it’s time for BOLD action at the federal level if we are going to protect our oceans, marine life, and the planet from the PLASTIC APOCALYPSE. Tell the Biden administration to address the plastic crisis NOW before it’s too late >>

Our planet is already suffering the devastating consequences of human-driven climate change, and the wasteful production of single-use plastics only makes this worse. Not only are 99% of plastics made from fossil fuels and release greenhouse gases during manufacture, they continue to pollute throughout their long existence! There’s still a chance to save the Earth from the plastic apocalypse, but it’s going to take meaningful and immediate solutions.

Curbing plastic pollution is both within our control AND a clear way to combat the effects of the climate crisis -- but our leaders have FAILED to take enough action, instead siding with Big Plastic and the fossil fuel industry.

Meanwhile, plastic production is wreaking havoc on all life on earth -- from sea turtles and marine life, to land animals, to humans. Even our air and water get bombarded with harmful emissions from plastic manufacturing, leaving low-wealth and BIPOC residents near these industrial facilities to face the health risks.

Plastic pollution is an environmental crisis, and it’s the government’s responsibility to step up and protect our planet. But the Biden administration won’t act unless we show strong public support from activists like you, Friend -- so we urgently need you to take action today. Can we count on you to add your name now?

Thanks for your urgent action,
Friends of the Earth
