The Hill: The Army Corps of Engineers has become a rogue agency

In World War II, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers played a proud role in the Allied victory over totalitarian aggression in Europe and the Pacific theater by building bridges, clearing beaches and harbors, and creating the conditions for military units to hit fast and hit hard.

But that was a long time ago. Tony Francois explains how, after decades of bureaucratic mission creep, the Corps is more likely to practice tyranny than help to end it, in the form of abusive regulatory enforcement that punishes farmers and other property owners.

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Victory for Hartford parents: Connecticut ends racial quota, opens empty seats

Two years ago, LaShawn Robinson and seven other Hartford families sued the State of Connecticut, challenging a racial quota that kept seats at high-performing magnet schools empty rather than let deserving black and Hispanic students attend.

This week, we happily dismiss the case, knowing our clients got everything they asked for, although a state-wide lawsuit remains active.

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Soccer fan scores free-speech victory; DMV says previously rejected license plate is now OK

Jonathan Kotler’s battle with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) came to a close this week after the DMV agreed to settle his lawsuit challenging its arbitrary censorship of personal speech.

Jonathan applied for a personalized plate to celebrate his favorite soccer team: the London-based Fulham Football Club. The team wears white jerseys, and Jon’s proposed license plate read “COYW,” an acronym for the club’s commonly used slogan, “Come on, you Whites.”

Jonathan will now get his COYW license plate, along with a statement from the DMV that it's not racially offensive after all.

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