The Trump administration has a disturbing habit of attacking freedom of the press. Last week, Secretary Pompeo stormed out of an interview with NPR after he received questions he didn’t like about Ukraine.

It’s one thing to disagree politically; it’s another to threaten the press when they ask tough questions.

But that’s exactly what happened when President Trump started tweeting threats to defund NPR after the interview. Freedom of the press is under attack, and we need to fight back.

Add your name to join Chris in demanding that the Trump administration stop threatening the press for doing their Constitutionally protected jobs!

Threatening the press is the kind of pernicious arrogance that has become the hallmark of the Trump Administration.

They hate it when people ask about Ukraine because they know they were endangering our national security for President Trump’s political advantage. We can’t let the administration get away with silencing anyone who asks tough questions, or we will continue to backslide into authoritarian rule.

Sign here to ask Trump to stop undermining the Constitution by threatening the press for asking tough questions.

Thank you for all that you do.

Team Van Hollen