Welcome to your weekly Rundown, for the week ending January 31.
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Foxnews.com: Clean-Energy Supporters Should Support Nuclear Power
Jay Faison published an op-ed on Foxnews.com this week, Clean-energy supporters should support nuclear power. His piece challenges the notion being pushed by Democrat presidential candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren that we don’t need nuclear. Here are a couple of excerpts.
“No matter your view on climate change, corporations and markets are planning for a lower-carbon future. In fact, some of the largest utility companies in the U.S. are making big bets that they can reach net-zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050."
“But without nuclear power in the mix to produce needed energy, these bets are much less likely and will certainly be more expensive.”
Jay also highlights the Nuclear Energy Leadership Act (NELA).
“The Nuclear Energy Leadership Act is one example of legislation that could make a big difference. It has dozens of bipartisan co-sponsors in the House and Senate and broad industry and environmental stakeholder support."
“Among other things, the legislation would establish specific goals for public-private partnerships; require the development of a 10-year strategic plan that supports advanced nuclear research and development goals, and provide for initial domestic supplies of advanced nuclear fuel (currently available only in Russia) needed by new nuclear reactors.”

Senate May Move To Clean Energy Bills Soon
Multiple reports indicate that a series of clean energy bills that have already cleared the Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee may see the floor soon. Legislation like the Nuclear Energy Leadership Act (NELA), Better Energy Storage Technology (BEST) Act, and The Launching Energy Advancements and Developments through Innovations in Natural Gas (LEADING) Act are among the bills being discussed. Bloomberg Environment, E&E and others indicate that an energy package could be coming after impeachment.

Washington Examiner:
How House Republicans won over conservatives to gain
consensus on a climate agenda
In an article published this week, the Washington Examiner lays out how House Republicans, including conservative members, are putting together a plan for the federal government to address climate change.
The article says, “...now, even conservative Republicans are embracing a “clean energy innovation” legislative agenda, primed for release this spring and advanced by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and his top energy and climate lieutenants.”
House Energy and Commerce recap
Read the full article here

House Science Republicans Introduce Major Boost to
Energy Innovation R&D
House Science, Space & Technology Committee Ranking Member Frank Lucas (R-OK), and more than a dozen committee members introduced H.R. 5685, the Securing American Leadership in Science and Technology Act, this week. Read more here
The legislation would address the changing climate by accelerating American innovation through investments in R&D. Their bill would:
- Create a National Science & Technology Strategy
- Prioritize Investment in Federal Basic Research
- Invest in American Research Facilities
- Develop a STEM Workforce
- Reform Regulations
Lucas described that China has increased public R&D funding by more than 50% between 2011 and 2016 while U.S. investment fell by 12%. “If China surpasses us in critical technologies like quantum information science, artificial intelligence, and advanced manufacturing it will have significant implications for our national security, for our economic competitiveness, and for our way of life. The United States must go on the offensive to maintain our scientific and technological leadership,” Lucas said.
Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said, “America leads the world in developing these cutting edge technologies, and an emphasis on basic research is responsible for getting us here. By investing in programs and institutions that serve as the building blocks to future breakthroughs, we will not only preserve our global leadership in science and technology, but will innovate next generation solutions that will create a cleaner, safer, healthier environment.”

Rep. Kinzinger Highlights Nuclear’s Local Benefits
While we often highlight the huge benefits of nuclear power on the national and global scale, we wanted to share how important the existing fleet is to local economies as well. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) wrote an oped that highlights that the nuclear fleet in Illinois providing 88% of the state’s emission-free electricity and how vital the industry is for jobs in the region.
Read his piece here

Energy Northwest Considering SMR in Washington State
Energy Northwest released a study this week regarding the possibility of siting a new SMR in Washington State. The study done by Energy + Environmental Economics (E3) a consultancy for utilities, developers, government agencies and environmental groups produced a report that shows how an SMR could help them reach zero emission goals.
Read more here
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Begins NRC Licensing Process for SMR
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) announced this week the beginning of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensing process to commercialize the BWRX-300 small modular reactor. GE Hitachi Nuclear has committed to helping supply the demand for carbon-free nuclear energy.
Read their announcement here
On Tuesday, January 28, The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a subcommittee hearing entitled, "Out of Control: The Impact of Wildfires on our Power Sector and the Environment".
USA Today Bipartisan Oped Highlights Clean Energy Innovation
Reps. Kurt Schrader and David B. McKinley (R-W.V.) co authored an oped highlighting the need for bipartisan solutions to climate change. The members write, “we can work together to adopt policies that will make clean energy technologies for all fuels affordable — solar, wind, hydro and other renewables, as well as nuclear, carbon capture for fossil fuels, energy efficiency, storage, and other technologies that will make the grid more secure, resilient, and affordable.”
Read their column here
DOE: $3.25 million American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Prize
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $3.25 million for the American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Prize. Their announcement stated the following: "A first-of-its-kind for geothermal technology, this prize is designed to spur innovation and address manufacturing challenges fundamental to operating in harsh geothermal environments. This prize further supports the ability of the geothermal industry to reach the target of 60 Gigawatts electric of geothermal capacity by 2050 as outlined in the recently released GeoVision study.”
Read more here