Join our LIVE National Organize-to-Win Call
TOPICS: Election Recaps | Brandon Johnson wins Chicago Mayor | St. Louis Majority w/ Megan Green | Helen Gym for Philly Mayor | Sarah Innamorato for Allegheny Co Exec in PGH | ‘Tax the Rich’ Bernie Sticker | & MORE!
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Don’t miss our National Organize-to-Win Call focused on building progressive power in cities nationwide — LIVE this Monday, April 10th at 8:30 pm ET/5:30 PT!
Coming off major victories in Chicago and St. Louis, we’ll dig into how progressives are forging coalitions and governing majorities with STL Board President Megan Green.
Then, we’ll turn to the next big races in Pennsylvania, strategizing with Helen Gym for Philadelphia Mayor and Sarah Innamarato for Allegheny County Executive in Pittsburgh!
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Progressives won big this week, electing new Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and shoring up our majority in St. Louis — and we’re just getting started!
“It was a momentous win,” said the Associated Press. “It comes as groups like Our Revolution, a powerful progressive advocacy organization, push to win more local and state offices in upcoming mayoral elections in Philadelphia and elsewhere.”
We also saw our slates in Kansas City MO and Lincoln NE advance to the general and won a city council seat with Suzanna Ibarra in Joliet IN!
Thanks to the surge of support from Our Revolution members and volunteers, we made nearly half a million voter contacts for Tuesday’s races.
City by city, our working-class coalition is building power from the bottom up. Join our organizing call Monday to learn more!
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Brandon won on a vision of co-governance with the people of Chicago, and that is precisely the inside-outside strategy we need for change.
“The fact Brandon Johnson could go up against the 'defund the police' slogan and the police union and win is incredibly heartening for progressives,” OR Executive Director Joseph Geevarghese told ABC News.
“We don't have to run away on the issues of crime and public safety,” he said.
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Tuesday’s victories show that when we organize, we can overpower big money and reclaim our communities.
“This is the fundamental fault line within the Democratic Party we’re seeing being played out,” Joseph told Vox. “Brandon’s win shows that a broader message about safety can resonate, and not just a lock-up-more-people message.”
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In St. Louis, we held our progressive majority in the city, electing six to the Board of Alderman to join Board President Megan Green and Mayor Tishaura Jones.
It was a good night, Green, a former Bernie delegate, told the St. Louis Post Dispatch. “The future of St. Louis is progressive.”
Local power directly impacts lives. In St. Louis, progressives have already delivered a basic income pilot program, and next up are tenant's rights and homelessness initiatives.
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Next up is Pennsylvania!
In November, we elected US Sen. John Fetterman & US Rep. Summer Lee. Now, Helen Gym is running for Philly Mayor and Sarah Innamorato is up for Allegheny Co. Executive in Pittsburgh!
Hear from both of them and St. Louis’ Megan Green on our National Organize-to-Win Call on Monday.
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We’re seeing a surge of anti-choice, anti-protest & other terrible bills because the right wing has seized down-ballot power.
But, thanks to years of organizing, we now have a chance to take that power back in upcoming races in Houston, Buffalo, Kansas City, Akron, South Bend, Lincoln & beyond!
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Every two weeks, we gather to organize directly with progressive leaders, activists, and fellow workers. Make sure to RSVP to participate directly in Zoom and make connections in the chat!
Thousands more watch LIVE on our Facebook and Twitter, and you can find more of our video content by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Help us build the call — share this link on Twitter and invite your friends to tune-in with you.
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NEW STICKER! April is tax season, but we think it’s past time to take a lesson from Bernie and make sure billionaires pay a higher tax rate than school teachers!
Billionaires currently pay about 3 percent of their total income in taxes. This isn’t rocket science, we need to tax the rich and invest in our people.
Get your sticker with a one-time donation of $10 (only $5 for members!) OR sign-up for a monthly donation of $5 or more.
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Don’t forget to RSVP NOW for our LIVE interactive broadcast focused on building local power with St. Louis Board of Alders President Megan Green, Helen Gym for Philly Mayor, and Sarah Innamorato for Allegheny Co. Executive in Pittsburgh. The call kicks off at 8:30 pm ET/5:30 PT this Monday!
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